26/04/2024 (niet ingelogd)

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Er zijn nu 9 nieuwsberichten geselecteerd.

Utrechtse Leersum getroffen door een valwind
21-06-2021 12:00 - KNMI | m.b.t. 18-06-2021
Delen van Nederland hadden vrijdag 18 juni te maken met hevig noodweer. Met name Leersum, op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug, werd getroffen. Daar raakten door een valwind ('downburst') negen mensen gewond en naar schatting zijn tussen tien en twintig huizen voorlopig niet bewoonbaar.
Guidance en weerkaarten
19-06-2021 05:50 - KNMI | m.b.t. 19-06-2021
Valid: 2021-06-19 06:02:44 - 2021-06-20 24:00:00
Issued: 19-06-2021, forecaster: schaikm
Storm Forecast Valid: Sat 19 Jun 2021 06:00 to Sun 20 Jun 2021 06:00 UTC
18-06-2021 21:14 - Estofex | m.b.t. 19-06-2021 t/m 20-06-2021
A level 1 was issued across SE UK, Holland and NW Germany mainly for heavy rainfall, large hail and to the lesser degree for severe wind gusts.
Guidance en weerkaarten
18-06-2021 05:04 - KNMI | m.b.t. 18-06-2021 t/m 19-06-2021
Valid: 2021-06-18 05:04:46 - 2021-06-19 24:00:00
Issued: 18-06-2021, forecaster: zwagers
Storm Forecast Valid: Fri 18 Jun 2021 06:00 to Sat 19 Jun 2021 06:00 UTC
18-06-2021 00:02 - Estofex | m.b.t. 18-06-2021
A level 2 was issued across the Netherlands and northern Germany for hail, tornadoes, wind gusts, and to a lesser extent for localized heavy rainfall.
Storm Forecast Valid: Thu 17 Jun 2021 06:00 to Fri 18 Jun 2021 06:00 UTC
16-06-2021 23:15 - Estofex | m.b.t. 17-06-2021 t/m 18-06-2021
A level 1 was issued across the Channel and the Benelux countries for severe wind gusts.
Extended Forecast Valid: Fri 18 Jun 2021 06:00 to Sat 19 Jun 2021 06:00 UTC
16-06-2021 21:54 - Estofex | m.b.t. 18-06-2021 t/m 19-06-2021
A level 2 was issued across parts of the Netherlands into far NW Germany for (very) large hail and severe wind gusts.
A level 1 surrounds that level 2 for similar hazards with less coverage. In addition a rainfall and isolated tornado risk exists.
Guidance en weerkaarten
16-06-2021 13:16 - KNMI | m.b.t. 16-06-2021 t/m 17-06-2021
Valid: 2021-06-16 13:16:36 - 2021-06-17 24:00:00
Issued: 16-06-2021, forecaster: veeken
Extended Forecast Valid: Thu 17 Jun 2021 06:00 to Fri 18 Jun 2021 06:00 UTC
15-06-2021 17:44 - Estofex | m.b.t. 17-06-2021 t/m 18-06-2021
A level 1 covers parts of CNTRL Spain to France to Benelux/W-Germany and Switzerland for a hail/heavy rainfall and isolated severe wind gust threat.