28/03/2025 - (niet aangemeld)


Data services

The Dutch Skywarn section is set up to be an open community, everyone can participate and receive data and trainingmaterials. Please note that Skywarn NL actively monitors the quality of submitted extreme weather reports and other site-content.

Professional meteo-organisations may apply for a data-account to receive extreme weather reports using our webservice(s), access the "live events" section and request data-exports.

All other parties: Skywarn reports can be displayed on any website (JSON-feed available).

Available data

Field name R T Description
Id 1,2 n Unique id of the observation. This id can be used to contact the observer (via Skywarn Nederland).
SpotterClass 1,2 n 1 = Entry-level,
2 = Certified
3 = Professional/expert.
IsWeatherStation 1,2 n 0 = spotter
1 = official weather station
DateTime 1 c Date and time of the observation in local NL time (GMT+1) summer-/wintertime applied, format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
Color 1 c r = event occured during last hour
o = event occured during last 4 hours
y = event occured during last 24 hours
EventCode 1,2 n Id of the reported extreme weather event
Event 1,2 c Description of the reported extreme weather event
ObservedOver   c Only if funnelcloud or tornado's are reported, observed over:
n = n/a (default)
o = unknown
l = land
w = water (waterspout)
Direction   c In which direction the event was seen, e.g.:
'n/a' =not applicable or on location (default);
NE =northeast;
SSW =southsouthwest, etc.
Distance   c Distance to the observed event if applicable and known:
'n/a' =not applicable or none, default;
1-5km = less than 5km;
5-10km = 5 to 10km, etc.
Description   c Further description of the event, e.g. indication of strength or any other relevant details.
Lat 1 c Lattitude position spotter or station, decimal point, max. 8 decimals.
Lon 1 c Longitude position spotter or station, decimal point, max. 8 decimals.
LocationCode   n Unique id of the spotter or station location.
Location   c Name of the town or place as given in Google geolocation "locality".
Region   c Name of the region or district as given in Google geolocation "administrative_area_level_1" abbrevated to 4 positions, e.g. Vlaams Gewest - Vlaa
Country   c Country-id as given in Google geolocation "country", e.g.
NL = Nederland, DE = Deutschland, etc.
StatusCode 1 n Unique id of the report status description.
Status 1 c Report status.
Submitted 1,2 d Date and time the report was submitted (created). Local NL time (GMT+1) summer-/wintertime applied.
Edited 1 d Date and time the report was last edited. Local NL time (GMT+1) summer-/wintertime applied.
  1   required
  2   cannot change
    c character
    n numeric (integer)
    d datetime

Login with your organizational data-account to download code example(s) and more information from the "Mijn Skywarn" section. A working - albeit "bare bones" - example of the data-service can be seen here