05/03/2025 (niet ingelogd)

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Onweersbuien op 7 juni 2016
09-06-2016 12:00 - KNMI | m.b.t. 07-06-2016
Sinds 27 mei 2016 was de weersituatie vrijwel ongewijzigd. Er was sprake van een geblokkeerd stromingspatroon met hogedruk boven het noorden van Europa en de noordelijke Atlantische oceaan. Boven Centraal-Europa was een vlak lagedrukgebied aanwezig. Boven onze omgeving stond tussen beide systemen een ooststroming waarmee warme, vochtige en onstabiele lucht werd aangevoerd.
Storm Forecast Valid: Tue 07 Jun 2016 06:00 to Wed 08 Jun 2016 06:00 UTC
06-06-2016 19:40 - Estofex | m.b.t. 07-06-2016 t/m 08-06-2016
A level 2 was issued for parts of Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Germany mainly for excessive rain and large hail. A level 1 surrounds the level 2 area and it was issued for excessive rain, large hail and severe wind gusts.
Storm Forecast valid: Mon 06 Jun 2016 06:00 to Tue 07 Jun 2016 06:00UTC
06-06-2016 12:00 - Estofex | m.b.t. 06-06-2016 t/m 07-06-2016
A level 2 was issued for the N France, Belgium, Luxembourg, W Germany area mainly for combined chances of excessive precipitation, severe wind gusts and large hail. A level 1 was issued for S Germany to Netherlands mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts.
Storm Forecast valid: Sun 05 Jun 2016 06:00 to Mon 06 Jun 2016 06:00UTC
04-06-2016 18:39 - Estofex | m.b.t. 05-06-2016 t/m 06-06-2016
A level 2 was issued for W-Germany, NE-France, S-Belgium and Luxembourg mainly for isolated large hail, severe wind gusts and heavy/excessive rain. A level 1 surrounds the level 2 and covers most parts of SE and parts of CNTRL-/E-Europe mainly for isolated excessive rainfall amounts and isolated large hail/severe wind gusts.
Onweersbuien op 2 juni 2016
03-06-2016 12:00 - KNMI | m.b.t. 02-06-2016
Wateroverlast in Boxmeer.
Storm Forecast valid: Fri 03 Jun 2016 06:00 to Sat 04 Jun 2016 06:00UTC
02-06-2016 12:00 - Estofex | m.b.t. 03-06-2016 t/m 04-06-2016
A level 1 was issued from Romania to Benelux mainly for isolated large hail, excessive rain and a severe wind gust or two.
Lange periode van onweersbuien door onstabiele lucht
02-06-2016 12:00 - KNMI | m.b.t. 25-05-2016 t/m 07-06-2016
Al sinds vrijdag 25 mei stroomt er warme, vochtige en onstabiele lucht over Nederland die wordt aangevoerd over de noordflank van een lagedrukgebied dat boven Europa rondtolt. Dat zorgt de afgelopen week bijna elke dag voor steeds nieuwe onweersbuien met hevige regenval, bliksem en hagel.
Storm Forecast valid: Thu 02 Jun 2016 06:00 to Fri 03 Jun 2016 06:00UTC
01-06-2016 22:56 - Estofex | m.b.t. 02-06-2016 t/m 03-06-2016
A level 2 is issued for N Germany mainly for excessive convective precipitation and to a lesser extent for large hail and severe convective wind gusts.
A level 1 is issued for parts of Italy, Austria, Germany, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, the SW Ukraine and N Romania mainly for excessive convective precipitation.
Onweersbuien op 30 mei 2016
01-06-2016 12:00 - KNMI | m.b.t. 30-05-2016
Zware buien veroorzaakten veel overlast en schade.
Storm Forecast valid: Wed 01 Jun 2016 06:00 to Thu 02 Jun 2016 06:00UTC
01-06-2016 06:56 - Estofex | m.b.t. 01-06-2016 t/m 02-06-2016
A level 1 was issued for eastern BENELUX through northern Germany, central Czech Republic and eastern Poland mainly for excessive precipitation
