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Mesoscale Discussion Valid: Thu 25 Jul 2019 12:00 to Thu 25 Jul 2019 16:00 UTC

25-07-2019 12:18 | Estofex | m.b.t. 25-07-2019

Mesoscale Discussion
Valid: Thu 25 Jul 2019 12:00 to Thu 25 Jul 2019 16:00 UTC
Issued: Thu 25 Jul 2019 12:18

Satellite imagery shows deep convection developing near Aachen. Additional isolated high-based storms are forecast to develop across the indicated area during the afternoon. In a weakly-sheared situation with about 1000 J/kg of MLCAPE storm mode will be single cells. The high bases around 3000 m AGL point to a distinct risk of (dry) microbursts that can locally produce damaging winds at the surface. In addition, some marginally large hail should be possible. The risk should gradually subside during the evening.

(mede van belang voor het uiterst zuiden van Limburg, red.)

