03/03/2025 (niet ingelogd)

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Climatological Aspects of Convective Parameters over Europe: A Comparison of ERA

06-05-2018 12:00 | European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL) | m.b.t. 06-05-2018

"If you are interested in the convective parameters which we use for forecasting severe thunderstorms in Europe check out new research paper "Climatological Aspects of Convective Parameters over Europe: A Comparison of ERA-Interim and Sounding Data " co-authored by the members of ESTOFEX.

PDF is available in the OPEN ACCESS mode in the link below:

Attached figure shows mean annual values of WMAXSHEAR (a product of CAPE and deep layer shear) for ERA-Interim reanalysis and atmospheric soundings for the cold season (October–March) and the warm season (April–September). Further details are available in the manuscript."

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